Primary Purpose Area
Service Structure
Most groups rent space for their weekly meetings in buildings run by public, religious, or civic organizations. Individual members lead the NA meetings while other members take part by sharing in turn about their experiences in recovering from drug addition. Group members also share the activities associated with running a meeting. The NA group is the only level of organization. In places where a number of Narcotics Anonymous groups have had the chance to develop and stabilize, groups will have elected delegates to form a local service committee. These local committees usually offer a number of services. Included among them are:
Where Narcotics Anonymous is well established, a number of local/area committees have come together to create regional committees. These regional committees handle services within their larger geographical boundaries while the local/area committees handle local services. An international delegate assembly known as the World Service Conference provides guidance on issues affecting the entire organization. Primary among the priorities of NA’s world services are activities that support young national movements and the translation of Narcotics Anonymous literature. For additional information regarding regional service committees and the World Service Office, visit our links page. In addition, various resources from other local areas are available by clicking here. In addition, the World Service Office also has various Service Handbooks available to help groups carry the message of recovery in our area and around the world.. |
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